Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA) is a French governmental researchand-technology organization with activities in energy, Information Technology, healthcare, defense and security. CEA-Tech, one of its divisions, focuses on creating value and innovation through technology transfer to its industrial partners. It employs 4500 scientists and engineers including 300 Ph.D. students and 300 assignees from partner companies. CEA-Tech owns more than 2200 patent families. CEA has a Large Research Infrastructure Battery R&D platform that focuses on battery development (anode, cathode, electrolyte materials) and small-run production, from materials synthesis through to integration. In parallel CEA develops a full multi-scale modelling platform for different e-components of electric vehicles (battery or hybrid with fuel cell) with a model-based approach. Upscaling methodologies, in particular for lifetime models are included into the system level and control model. Predictive energy management strategies including durability constraints developed for electric hybrid vehicle. In addition, CEA disposes of all characterization equipment needed for the battery researches (mechanical, electrochemical, material, electrical, abuse tests, …).

Country: France
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“CEA participates in the SAFELiMOVE-project, especially on Interfaces characterization, post-mortem analyses and Safety tests. CEA has a Large Research Infrastructure Battery R&D platform that focuses on battery development, from materials synthesis through to integration, with a model-based approach. CEA disposes of all characterization equipment needed for the battery researches (mechanical, electrochemical, material, electrical, abuse tests, …). CEA is interested in increasing knowledge on mechanisms in solid state batteries, adapting methodology to characterize solid/solid interfaces and assessing safety of such innovative technology.”